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Diseases of Senior Cats and Dogs: Diagnosis and Therapy, 2nd Edition
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Diseases of Senior Cats and Dogs: Diagnosis and Therapy, 2nd Edition

ISBN 9781957260105

Author/s Salvador Cervantes Sala

Release date April 2022

Pages 376

Binding Soft cover

Dimensions 17 X 24

Language English

This book comprehensively covers geriatric medicine of dogs and cats, and provides readers, whether veterinary surgeons or students approaching the end of their veterinary medicine degree, with a different approach to clinically useful information on. All chapters have been rigorously reviewed and updated, with a particular emphasis on pharmacological protocols and dosages and new therapies. An entire new chapter on endocrine problems in senior pets has been added.


1. Ageing in small animals Ageing in numbers

Definition of ageing and preliminary clarifications

Physiology of ageing: why do we age?

Consequences of ageing in cats and dogs

Consequences for owners and veterinary surgeons

The owner¡¯s perspective

Key points veterinary practitioners should bear in mind

2. Nutrition in elderly patients Assessing the nutritional status of geriatric patients

Effects of age on nutritional needs

Diets for nutrition-sensitive diseases

The owner¡¯s perspective

Key points veterinary practitioners should bear in mind

3. Pharmacological treatment of geriatric patients

Basic concepts in pharmacology

Dose adjustments for geriatric patients

Pharmacological changes in patients with chronic kidney disease

Pharmacological changes in patients with liver disease

Pharmacological changes in patients with heart disease

The owner¡¯s perspective

Key points veterinary practitioners should bear in mind

4. Anaesthesia in elderly patients

Anaesthesia: secrets, magic protocols, and other myths

How to design a personalised protocol for each case

The owner¡¯s perspective

Key points veterinary practitioners should bear in mind

5. Environmental enrichment for cats and dogs

Species-specific objectives of environmental enrichment

Animate enrichment

Inanimate enrichment

When should an environmental enrichment plan be implemented?

How can we tell if environmental enrichment is working correctly?

The owner¡¯s perspective

Key points veterinary practitioners should bear in mind

6. Chronic pain. Arthrosis Introduction. Definitions and basic concepts Pathophysiology of pain Identifying pain

Treatment of chronic pain

Analgesic agents Osteoarthritis

The owner¡¯s perspective

Key points veterinary practitioners should bear in mind

7. Orodental problems in elderly animals Considerations before starting The orodental exam

Preparing patients for anaesthesia

Dental prophylaxis

How to complete a patient¡¯s dental file

The owner¡¯s perspective

Key points veterinary practitioners should bear in mind

8. Chronic kidney disease Definition and prevalence Renal physiology

Diagnostic techniques and early diagnosis

IRIS classification

Evidence-based treatment of CKD

The owner¡¯s perspective

Key points veterinary practitioners should bear in mind

9. Liver problems in geriatric patients

Inflammatory liver diseases

Infiltrative liver diseases

Canine hepatic fibrosis and cirrhosis

Hepatocutaneous syndrome Liver tumours

Hepatic encephalopathy

The owner¡¯s perspective

Key points veterinary practitioners should bear in mind

10. Endocrine problems in senior patients

Diabetes mellitus Hyperadrenocorticism or Cushing¡¯s syndrome

Feline hyperthyroidism

The owner¡¯s perspective

Key points veterinary practitioners should bear in mind

11. Reproductive diseases in senior patients

Benign prostatic hyperplasia Pyometra

Mammary tumours

The owner¡¯s perspective

Key points veterinary practitioners should bear in mind

12. Senior cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular physical examination

Mitral valve endocardiosis or degenerative mitral valve disease

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy phenotype in cats

Feline hypertension

The Owner¡¯s perspective

Key points veterinary practitioners should bear in mind

13. Most frequent neurological problems in senior patients

Cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS)

Vestibular system involvement in senior animals

Degenerative myelopathy

The owner¡¯s perspective

Key points veterinary practitioners should bear in mind

14. Health plans in senior animals

Approach to the senior health programme

Helpful advice in difficult situations

The owner¡¯s perspective

Key points veterinary practitioners should bear in mind

15. Bibliography


Salvador Cervantes

Sala Salvador Cervantes Sala received his degree in veterinary medicine from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), Spain, in 1998. Between 2000 and 2002 he completed courses in feline medicine and surgery at the European School for Advanced Veterinary Studies (ESAVS) at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. In 2009, he completed the Feline Internal Medicine course taught by the Centre for Veterinary Education at the University of Sydney, Australia. In 2001, together with his wife, Anna Calvet, he founded S&A Veterinaris, a veterinary clinic in Barcelona. In 2016, he founded Clínica Felina Barcelona, a veterinary hospital specifically for cats, located in the same city.

Salvador is a member of the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP), the International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM), and the Feline Medicine Study Group of the Spanish Association of Small Animal Veterinary Specialists (GEMFE–AVEPA). He has participated in several congresses and is the author of multiple articles on feline medicine published in international journals, including an article on feline hypertension titled ¡°ISFM consensus guidelines on the diagnosis and management of hypertension in cats¡±, published in 2017 in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. In addition, he has co-authored the European edition of the GRAM (Guidance for the Rational use of Antimicrobials) guide, published by Ceva Santé Animale in 2016.

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